Team Training Improves Your ROI
Team Training Improves Your ROI
Michael's Gourmet Consulting Services
Michael's Gourmet Consulting Services


1. MGFS Master                                                                            $129.00

The Master encompasses all the acquired knowledge and information edited from beginning to end, covering all aspects of opening and running a food service operation. The primary product of our company is a template of a multiple revenue stream food service establishment! It can be used to educate, train and implement a system for your company and employees to continuously progress to the next level of management.

Whether you have an existing business, are a sole proprietor, a partner, chef, manager, cook, have a desire to change your career to food service, wish to learn more of the many different aspects of food service or just want to upgrade your skill set level, this product is for you. Each section, Back of the House, Front of the House, Financials, Planning the Business and Planning the Business Divisions incorporates the most detailed information with accompanying spreadsheet workbooks on the market.


MGFS Master
129.00 USD

The Most Complete Restaurant and Food Service Business Template Solution Available! And Remember Shipping is Always Free!


2. Back of the House                                                                 $99.00

The Back of the House section discusses the complete operational flow of the modern day kitchen in a food service operation. Sections include; Kitchen Management Operations Master, Food Cost and Controls, Independent Stations Outline, Inventory Controls, Labor Controls, Master Menus, Master Recipes and the Kitchen Controls Form Index. Each section is designed on how the operational flow works and the theory behind it, and how costs are determined with workbooks to incorporate the operational flow and use of manuals to incorporate training. Using standardized recipes and theoreticals, you can determine exactly how much each item, plate and beverage cost so can set a selling price according to other operating expenses.

Our proprietary workbooks do all the math for you including data from multiple vendors. Once this section is mastered you will have a full working knowledge on how to run a profitable commercial kitchen, have training procedures in place with advancement incentives for your team, and can confidently work on and experiment with your menu items.


MGFS Back of the House
99.00 USD

A Complete Training and Template Solution for Opening, Operational Flow and Cost Analysis for a Modern Day Restaurant and Food Service Commercial Kitchen.
Act Now and Shipping is Free!!


3. Front of the House                                                                               $99.00

            The Front of the House operational segment is the most comprehensive written documentation on how to run a restaurant or any food service establishment dining room floor that is available. Sections include Bar Inventory, Bar Management Controls, and Floor Management Controls. These are in-depth detailed informational data and workbooks that explain how train, run, and create revenue for the managers and the team.

            The Bar Inventory is one of the most extensive inventory forms with spreadsheet workbook available, quarterly inventory spreadsheet workbook, daily and weekly par requisition sheets, and a modified Standardized Recipe template designed specifically for alcoholic beverages.

            The Bar Management Controls has all the fundamentals for complete control of any bartending operation. Bar Operations and Controls and Management Beverage Alcohol Training includes the most up to date information on government regulations, the chemical mechanics of alcohol intoxication on the blood and brain and implementing alcoholic beverage policies and bar structure. Bar Operation and Controls also includes sections on Managerial Duties, Inventory, Work Details, Sales and Promotions, and Labor Controls, each with specific procedures.

              The Floor Management Controls section teaches Advanced Techniques in Sales and Service, Basic Wine and Spirits Service Techniques, Floor Labor Report – Payroll Actual and Floor Operations and Controls. The Floor Service Outline - which teaches a manager how to collect facts and information on the customers, take reservations and create a front door policy, dining room and service policies including a step by step example of the complete fine dining table service run through. It also includes floor food and beverage policies, how to handle customers complaints and emergencies, and policies concerning the press and addressing public relations issues. All this is easily edited and made your policy!

MGFS Front of the House
99.00 USD

Effectively Train, Operate and Manage the Front of the House Section of any Restaurant Food Service Operation. Includes Advanced Selling, Costs and Alcoholic Beverage Management.
Shipping is Free!!


Michael’s Gourmet Food Services LLC ® Registered Copyright 2015

All Rights Reserved

Classes with Wine Pairings

« Facts of Interest »


The undisputed king of cheese is said to have originated in the province of Reggio Emilia, south of the Po Valley. The area was formally under the rule of the Dukedom of Parma which was the main trading center, hence its name. It was called the “Great Cheese of Seven Countries” because the ancient formula remained unchanged throughout the 700 years of history which altered the face of continents.  Records dating back to 1200 to 1300AD describe the characteristics of Parmigiano Reggiano as they are today and it is assumed that the real origins of the cheese go back even further as written by early Latin writers. It is a cheese best known around the world in its grated form - Parmesan; but in early maturity it is a fine table cheese said to have medicinal purposes.

            It is produced from the 1st of April to the 11th of November in large drums weighing 52 to 97 pounds, the average between 72 and 79 lbs. with a height of 7 to 9½ inches, and a circumference of 28 to 36 inches. It is made with unpasteurized but tested milk of morning and evening milking in the “zona tipica” of Bologna, Mantua, Modena, Parma, and Reggio Emilia, where the soil, climate, vegetation, fodder and cattle rearing traditions has influenced its flavor and quality over the centuries. 



Kitchen cooking TIPS AND TRICKS


A microwave oven uses electromagnetic waves that bounce off the surfaces and into the food to heat it. The microwaves penetrate the food from ¾ to 1 inch, causing the water molecules to vibrate producing friction and thus heat. Microwaved foods cook from the inside out.

  • After water, fat absorbs microwaves the best.

  • Arrange the food in a circle for even cooking. Favor the edge of the rotary tray, more waves reach there than in the center.

  • Use round dishes, square dishes overcook food at the corners.

  • Cover the food to reduce cooking time, but leave a place for steam to vent.

  • Use clear glass to watch the food cooking, not all plastics are microwaveable and metal causes electrical arcing.

  • Salted foods heat faster.

  • The Microwave does best with vegetables, then seafood, then chicken, then meat.

  • Never run the microwave empty, this will damage it.


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